Studio KUMA is a personal workshop that develops software just for research and hobby.
However recently some organizations and companies request for redistribution of software in this site. As a result, this page is set up to state the official policies for redistribution.
For end users and mass media, the following policy is applied except for software with explicit licensing terms (e.g. MirandaQQ):
- Download and Store for personal use:Allowed
- Review on web sites:Allowed
- Upload to App Stores that are official stores to devices without Android Market:Allowed
- Upload to web sites for free or paid downloads*:Disallowed
- Points to files on this web server directly*:Disallowed
- Place in physical media (E.g. CD) for distribution:Disallowed
- Modify or re-pack any part of software:Disallowed
Web sites that review software on this site can point to download page or Android Market for downloads.
* Due to difficulties on using Android Market in Mainland China, this policy is not applicable to media and web sites that are created and serve visitors in Mainland China. (For Android applications only)
For Device Manufacturers, Agents and OEM, the following policy is applied except for software with explicit licensing terms (e.g. MirandaQQ):
Android Applications
- Download APK and preload to devices for free:Allowed
- Downooad APK and bundle with free media or member web sites:Allowed
- Modify or re-pack any part of software:Disallowed
- AD Removal and/or branding:Paid Service
If vendors require to get APK for preloading, send a e-mail to webmaster.
Any agreements signed prior to this policy remain effective.
Other Software
All other software in this site are not designed for OEM use, usage of such software are treated as commercial usage.
Except for software with explicit licensing terms (e.g. MirandaQQ), all software in this site are prohibited for commercial use.
Unless permitted above or with written permission from webmaster, either free or paid commercial use are disallowed.
For usage not stated above, webmaster is treating as disallowed. For enquires contact webmaster.
Revision:V1.1 Effective:2011/7/6 (Add permission for dedicated apps store such as Appslib)
Revision:V1.0 Effective:2011/6/13